So if you don't know I'm a n3rd. That shit is in my blood y'all. My bio-parents played D&D (Dungeons & Dragons for you n00bs), did musical theater and watched Star Trek. Also when I was chillin in the womb my bio-mom saw Star Wars Ep. VI, which will tell you how old I am. I love that I've put in time playing D&D and Magic (I still have yet to play strip Magic...), did stints in Summer Stocks and wanted a Tribble for my birthday. I proudly push up glasses and adjust my invisible pocket protecter!
Still with me? Still interested?
Well out of everything I've grown up with Star Wars has to be closest to my heart. I read the Young Jedi Knights series in my teens and now I'm currently re-reading Timothy Zahn's Star Wars books (Thank you my tweetpea @DrewMega for jogging my memory). And though ALL the books & movies my favorite character of all is Darth Vader. Unlike Luke if he said he was my pops, I'd hop on board and rule the universe, maybe even get a hot pink lightsaber as a signing bonus! Strangely enough in my old age I've become increasingly attracted to Vader. Maybe it's the sleek, black uniform or maybe it's the way he's devastatingly ruthless. Ok, attracted is probably putting it mildly. Hmmm let's just say any boy in a Vader costume (it has to be at least movie quality, no garbage bags please) could get it BUT he'd have to leave the helmet on!
Whew ok, my panties are moist from just thinking about fogging up the window on a TIE fighter with Daddy Vader! So imagine the flood that occurred when I found out about the Vader Project, sadly I'm like 3 years behind and I missed the LA exhibit, but I digress. Basically 100 authentic Vader helmets were handed out to various artists and they created fantastical art. I mean breath taking, awe inspiring art. My catalogue is in the mail and I'll probably have to read it under plastic to keep it dry but I'd like to share some of my faves with y'all, since you stayed awake for this fangirl!

Tiki-ish inspired Vader
I love the roses on this one
Seriously? Pinup & Stormtroopers are love!

Konnichi-fucking-wa! I need this like I need a pair of wide Christian Louboutins!
Anyone want to buy me a helmet or two? I'd deeply appreciate it! And may the Force be with you!