Sunday, July 11, 2010

Drum roll please!

After a lot of shit talking I finally have gotten around to posting those bathing suit pictures I eluded to in my first post. Yes, I know these pics have been sitting on my desktop for a few weeks but I had a good excuse! want to hear the excuse? Well, see....

Ok, ok there was no excuse! I just haven't gotten around to it! So without further ado & meaningless fluff let's get onto the skin show!

For the record it's very hard for me to run to the other end of my room and pose.

And I wasn't about to take down my wonderful shoe rack behind me either!

However I suppose if you're commenting/complaining on my background then you're missing the point of this post. I haven't been in a bathing suit sans tshirt in at least 16 years. I put aside comfort and convience to hide what I should be proud of! Really swimming in a tshirt is cumbersome! Jump in a pool and you have the hem of your shirt floating right along with you, like a giant cotton jelly fish! I've said many times before that my body is just a 'meat sack' that holds in all the stuff that makes
me, me and this proves it.

I love this swimsuit! I got it from after seeing it on Ms. Viola's blog! It's a Esther Williams suit and if you don't know of the fantastical Ms. Williams you can read about her here! Although I have yet to actually set a toe in any body of water, I am more than prepared to hit up a pool party! Granted I'd probably have my hair did, this means curled, shellacked & flowered and I'd ditch the flip flops to be in wedges but really, this suit demands I look fly! Like sippin' on fruity umbrella drinks and ordering around a cabana boy fly!

So there ya have it folks! Pictures as promised! I don't know why I was so apprehensive about these snap shots because I know somewhere in the mire of the interweb there are topless pictures of me. That is an entirely different blog entry that I'll save for a rainy day!


Rogue Erotica said...

Super-sexy, lady! You look great in red. Got a two piece in your wardrobe? *wink wink*

Ms. Sugar said...

Thank you! No two piece just yet but I do have my eye on one or two!

Chuck said...

*applauds* Gorgeous! Well worth the wait.

Chuck said...

Also, your ink is really interesting. I'm hoping there's an upcoming post about that.

Ms. Sugar said...

Thanks Chuck! Did you want to learn anything specific about my ink??

Chuck said...

Hmmm. Not sure, but if there are stories behind the tatoos that would be interesting.

Ms. Sugar said...

Hmmm oh the stories my tattoos could tell! I'll put it under my hat! Thanks for the suggestion!

Dr. Bels1dus said...

Mercy...and now I feel like the proverbial dirty old man...

Dr. Bels1dus said...

But seriously, I had no idea you had a blog. The energy of it awesome! Keep it going!!

Ms. Sugar said...

Haha Darkly you know I'm waaaay past being jail bait right? Now if this was back in the beginning of the original AfroPunk then yeah, you should feel dirty! Thank you and I look forward to reading your blog as well!

af said...

Great pics and nice swimsuit. I like how you styled your hair, it goes along well with the outfit.

Takes alot of bravery to pose in a swimsuit. Now have you been swimming yet? haha!

Saw the swimsuit section on the website and how you didn't buy every single suit is beyond me. The cuts/styles/colours are all so flattering and kitchy

Sydd Sinister said...

you need to post these pics here too!!

Ms. Sugar said...

@af Thank you! Oh I want the blue velvet one sooooo bad! And to date still haven't gotten in a pool!

@Nicole Thanks I will!

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